Sunday, June 1, 2008

Joys of the Sabbath Day

We had a special sacrament meeting today. A lady's son was on his motorcycle this past week and hit by a car. It was a terrible accident and the doctors said he could have died without his helmet. He is having surgery today or tomorrow on his two broken arms. Jane Rideout told of her life being spared when she was hit by a car several years ago at the Alta High Grad Party in Pepperwood. By the time I went to R. S. I felt I needed to bear my testimony of the Lord sparing my life 31 years ago (May 28th) in my plane crash. I feel the Lord showed His tender mercies to me. A General Authority told me after I bore my testimony the Sunday after testimony meeting that he had a witness while I was speaking that we could have died but the Lord intervened. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to live to marry and have great children!!

Larry and I took a stroll at Liberty Park after visiting Calvin Allen. God's creations are so beautiful!! I love the cool weather and the beautiful tall trees.

We love you all and pray for you daily. We pray for you to be guided by the Lord in the decisions you make. Keep the Faith and you will be happy and at peace.

Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Jason said...

We wish we could have been there. We're glad you enjoyed your Sunday.